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Ha Matmid (ZOOM ONLY)

Saturday, February 10, the HaMatmid topic is Havdalah: Rules and Prayers.

Although it began as a way to study the books of the Tanach beyond the Torah, over the past decade we have studied many other topics. These have included how a Torah scroll is created, pre-High Holy Day workshops, deep dives into the Sh’ma and the prayers around the Sh’ma. (Online only, at the WES services link --but check.) 

HaMatmid meets at 2 pm every Saturday.

The Evolving & Expanding God in our Day (ZOOM ONLY)

How did Jews in the 20th century understand God? Or, to put it another way, how have our understandings of God continued to evolve and expand? Join Susan Schorr for an exploration of multiplied and multi-layered modern Jewish ideas about God. We will hear from philosophers and theologians, rabbis and teachers. Please check your weekly newsletter or contact admin [at] for Zoom link access.

WES Book Club "The Flight Portfolio" by Julie Orringer


Book: The Amen Effect by Rabbi Sharon Braus

“One of the most visionary and beloved rabbis in the U.S. today” —Krista Tippett

“remarkable compassion, insight and moral vision…” —Bryan Stevenson


To RSVP and reserve a place, please use the link in your e-newsletter, or contact admin [at] (Joan) for information.

Shabbat service

Shabbat Morning Services are led by Rabbi Emily and Cantor Melissa. They are grounded in music, guided by clergy, and celebratory of lay leadership. Services include a mix of Hebrew (with transliteration provided), with both traditional egalitarian and interpretive translations.

Unless otherwise noted, services will be both in person and on Zoom. Please check our calendar to confirm each week's offerings

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