Shabbat Morning Torah Study
From 9:00 to 10:00am, our Rabbi or occasionally a lay leader leads a group exploration of the weekly Torah portion. We seek to discover points of resonance between our lives and the Torah narrative, and lessons that might guide us in our daily lives and inform our efforts to repair the world. All are welcome, and no prior knowledge is required. All Saturday morning Torah Study sessions are hybrid, held in person and at the main WES Zoom link. Please admin [at] westendsynagogue.org (Interest-in-Torah-Study) (contact us) for access.
PLEASE NOTE: On Saturdays July 20th and August 3rd, 2024, there will be no 9:00am study on those dates. Torah Study will take place during the 10:00am Shabbat Service.
Sunday Morning Torah Study
11:00am-12:30pm on Sunday mornings
Continuing discussions and new questions arising from Saturday morning's Torah study, this lay-led group delves into the preceding week's parshah, with volunteer facilitators changing weekly. The last half hour each week is devoted to reading together through the books of the Nevi'im - Prophets - and Ketuvim - Writings - which follow the Pentateuch. Zoom only, on the WES services link. Contact the admin [at] westendsynagogue.org (office) if you need information on how to join us virtually.
Torah on Tuesdays with Susan Schorr
This longstanding Adult Education group meets on Zoom two Tuesdays a month at 7:30pm to study the Torah in English translation, in depth, considering it from the perspectives of literature, sacred text, religious mythology, family lore, psychology, drama, history, pop culture, and more. Please contact the admin [at] westendsynagogue.org (office) for Zoom link.
HaMatmid Shabbat Afternoon Bible Study
We study a broad range of topics, which have included the structure and prayers of services, the Jewish holiday cycle, and how a Torah scroll is created. We've held workshops to help people get more out of the High Holy Days. Some people have studied with us for years; others drop when they can. Next we'll look at... what? Tell us what you've always wanted to know more about! Contact the admin [at] westendsynagogue.org (office) for Zoom link.
To receive announcements about Torah study, and to participate in online discussions between meetings, please complete the form here.